Harbor Place Marina Investors LLC
Harbor Place Marina Investors LLC


Tam Valley DRS line now distributed in North America by Dead Rail Installs

See the Tam Valley and Dead Rail Installs entires on the Dead Rail Suppliers page for details.

BlueRail ships more than 700 Boards, hints big product announcement soon

 Dave Rees of BlueRail Trains reports they've sold 700+ bluetooth loco control boards. Dave's press release also hints that he has a new product in the works that's the "best train control technology I can imagine" and will "make a lot of people happy". Stay tuned. 

Dead Rail Society co-founder Pete Steinmetz installs of TVM, CVP and BlueRail systems in locos with battery power. He sells complete Dead Rail kits for self-installers and is also a source of hard-to-find, high quality LiPo battery packs in the right sizes for smaller scales.

The Dead Rail Society™

No track power,

no problem!

Battery power and radio control: the future of model railroading.

Dead Rail Society™

Batteries 'R Us.

We no longer worry about dirty track, stalls, shorts, and all the other frustrations of track power. Dead Rail™ in G through N scales.


How-To Articles

Articles are appearing more and more frequently in model railroad magazines and websites. All scales, all prototypes.


Photos & Videos

See the famous 'Runaway Porter!' video on YouTube, plus a gallery of photos of Dead Rail™ installations.




Dead Rail and Dead Rail Society are trademarks (registration pending) of the Dead Rail Society of San Diego. We readily grant perrmission for use of our trademarks for both non-profit and commercial uses, and we'll think you're a true gentleman if you ask us first. While we do not require that you denote our trademark with the trademark symbol () we are always grateful for recognition of our efforts to promote Dead Rail among model railroaders in all scales.


"Batteries 'R Us!"

Our website's background photo is from Wikipedia, which has an article about the Shay geared locomotive, your webmaster's favorite.

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© Jan Twardowski, Dead Rail Society LLC